player profile

I’m 43 from simpsonville sc I’ve been bowling since I could walk.  I’ve got 13 lbs regional titles along with two south region player of the year awards.  I’ve got a combined 140 300 games from league tour and tournaments.  A member of the upstate association hall of fame I’ve got numerous scratch tournament wins along with two 2nd place finishes in tour.

Who / What Got You Started in Bowling?

My grandfather was the founder of the youth association and the high average award is named after him.  I wasn’t able to ever meet him but I’ve been bowling since I could barely walk.  Both my parents bowled all my life.

What Do You Love About the Sport?

The friendships, the passion and winning.  Oh and striking. The best feeling in the world.

Favorite Bowling Memory

Making my first tv show.

Who is Your Favorite Bowler?

Growing up was Mark Roth and Marshal Holman

Awards & Achievements

Bowling Accomplishments






I’ve only gotten a few shirts and jerseys since I just signed but I love what I’ve gotten so far and am excited about designing some name shirts.